The Extended Essay
The Extended Essay offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. It has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words. The essay topic must fall within one of the approved IB subjects. The EE is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity. It provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of their own choice under the guidance of a supervisor (teacher or faculty member at the school). This leads to a major piece of formally presented, structured writing in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner appropriate to the subject chosen. Students are expected to spend approximately 40 hours on research and writing of the EE. EE supervisors are expected to spend no more than three (3) to five (5) hours advising student on their essays. The supervisor reads and comments (but does not edit) on one completed draft only, reads the final version to confirm authenticity, and provides a predicted grade to IB. IBDP students start the EE process second semester of junior year. A complete first draft is due first semester of senior year with the final draft to be submitted at the beginning of second semester.